Artificial intelligence in product development

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we develop products, from conception to market launch. In an age where innovation and efficiency are paramount, AI enables companies to develop new products faster, more cost-effectively and with higher quality. By using AI, data from various sources can be analyzed, design patterns identified and predictions made about the performance of a product. This leads to a significant reduction in development time, as many iteration loops and unnecessary simulations are eliminated. AI makes it possible to solve complex problems and find optimized solutions to challenges that human developers may not recognize. The integration of AI into the process of developing new products is therefore a decisive factor for market success and competitiveness.

Integrating artificial intelligence holistically

The process of developing new products is often characterized by great uncertainties and imponderables. What does the use of artificial intelligence change or improve in this process? How can AI improve the development of your product? What are the specific benefits of using AI? How can the technology be integrated into your existing development process? We have the answers to these questions. M.TEC has extensive experience in integrating AI into the development process and knows how to design customized AI solutions that are tailored precisely to your needs and requirements. Our expertise in artificial intelligence spans not only the entire product development process, but also various industries and product categories. With M.TEC, you can be sure to fully exploit the potential of AI to optimize your products and accelerate the development process.

Our Range of Services in AI-Driven Product Development

M.TEC offers a comprehensive range of services in the field of AI-supported product development. This includes, among other things:

  • Analysis and optimization of design concepts
  • Prediction of product performance under real conditions
  • Identification of optimization potentials in existing development processes

Through the use of advanced AI technologies such as machine learning, neural networks, and data-driven simulations, M.TEC enables precise and efficient product development. The integration of AI leads to a reduction in prototype cycles and enables more accurate predictions of product performance, which in turn leads to a reduction in development costs and an increase in product quality. In addition, M.TEC supports companies in the implementation of AI-based tools and processes to ensure that the benefits of the technology are fully realized. With a deep understanding of the specific requirements of each industry and customer, M.TEC offers individual consulting and support to maximize the benefits of using AI in product development.

Specific AI-supported optimization tools include M.OPT, an extensive portfolio of simulation and optimization tools. These include:

M.OPT warpage – to minimize warpage issues in injection molded parts through dynamic simulation-based AI optimization of all relevant process parameters.

M.OPT design – Optimizes components by considering multiple weighted development goals simultaneously and offers solutions for physical interactions between component properties, achieving optimal compromises between conflicting goals such as high stiffness and low weight.

M.OPT process – improves process stability and efficiency through AI-supported analysis and optimization, leading to increased throughput, better quality, and reduced manufacturing costs.
These advanced tools integrate multiphysics applications and AI to maximize process safety, minimize risk in development, and significantly reduce time to market.

Your Contact
Ulf Seefeldt
Ulf Seefeldt
Business Development Manager
+49 2407 9573-7361
+49 2407 9573-7325
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