The company
The engineering company M.TEC works as a service provider for national and international companies from various industries. M.TEC engineers develop solutions and innovations for technical products and processes on behalf of their customers. As a special customer benefit, M.TEC offers a comprehensive, single-source engineering portfolio for product development: from product definition to all topics of design and simulation & calculation to the management of series production ramp-up and rapid troubleshooting in every situation.
Service provider for products and processes
M.TEC receives orders for development services from a wide range of industries, including automotive, electrical devices, medical technology, building services and mechanical engineering. M.TEC's customers include large, internationally operating groups with well-known brands as well as highly specialized companies from various technical fields. M.TEC focuses on plastics technology, fluid mechanics, fiber optics and lightweight engineering as well as mechanical engineering and production technology.
Plastics engineering as a starting point
M.TEC GmbH was founded in 1991 as a spin-off of the RWTH Aachen University in the vicinity of the IKV Aachen. M.TEC has always maintained close relations to the IKV, the Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (Institute for Plastics Processing) in industry and trade at the RWTH Aachen University - a world leading research institution in the field of plastics processing. Other facilities and institutes of the Excellence University Aachen are equally part of the M.TEC network. This expertise and the infrastructures of one of the largest research and innovation networks in Europe are thus also open to M.TEC customers.
Pioneering spirit and innovative strength in engineering
Plastics engineering expertise formed the basis of the founding idea for M.TEC. In the following decades, the company has further developed and diversified. Today, the range of services covers all development areas of technical products and systems. The development synergies between the specialized engineering teams are to such an extent that today, M.TEC successfully carries out complex development projects lasting several years. M.TEC's employees are driven by a pioneering spirit which has already led to several patents for customers. This drive for innovation has also resulted in the revolutionary new method for warpage optimization using the digital twin - a milestone in plastics technology and simulation & calculation that is exclusively available for M.TEC customers.

A member of the Feddersen Group
M.TEC has been part of the Feddersen Group since 2018. The Hamburg-based group of companies focuses on trading with engineering plastics and compounding. Within this network, M.TEC provides knowledge-based engineering that has become indispensable for the urgent questions regarding plastics technology solutions in the 21st century. Notwithstanding the enormous opportunities and potential synergies that the Feddersen Group offers customers, M.TEC remains an independently operating company.
The best solution – in our customer’s interest
M.TEC's engineers are committed to providing elaborated and sustainable solutions for their customers - no matter what the project scope. M.TEC's proven and market-independent development system is a central element of this philosophy. The employees' motivation and the"creative engineering with method" form the basis of the outstanding engineering solutions, providing the customer with the best possible result within the individual boundary conditions.