The increasing digitalization and the need to boost efficiency at all stages of product development have significantly heightened the importance of simulation and AI technologies. M.TEC ENGINEERING utilizes these innovative tools and an AI-integrated development methodology to shorten development times, reduce costs, and accelerate market introduction, while simultaneously enhancing product quality and process reliability. Our simulations provide deep insights into the physical properties of products and enable critical design decisions to be made early on and/or facilitate rapid troubleshooting.
Why is M.TEC the right partner for your simulation & AI needs?
Would you like to learn how M.TEC can shorten your development times using simulation and artificial intelligence while ensuring quality? Are you looking for a partner who can handle complex projects that require the integration of various physical disciplines? Do you want to enhance the sustainability of your products through simulation and AI?
At M.TEC, we understand that each client and project is unique. Our experts employ state-of-the-art simulation software and AI algorithms to provide customized solutions tailored specifically to your requirements. Whether it's optimizing component geometries, reducing material consumption, or improving product lifespan—M.TEC delivers precise results that help you achieve your goals.
Our Services in Simulation & AI:
The use of simulation and computation to analyze the physical behavior of products, components, and assemblies is crucial for shortening development times, minimizing testing series, and avoiding misinvestments—starting from the early phases of pre-development and concept design. At M.TEC, simulation and computation are central tools to ensure desired quality in engineering right from the start.
Troubleshooting: Identification and visualization of error causes with Simulation & AI
When there are problems with functionality, component durability, or in the manufacturing process, swift action is required. M.TEC offers professional support in troubleshooting. Simulation and calculation are essential tools in this process. Our interdisciplinary simulation department, with experience from thousands of projects, effectively supports you in finding solutions. Together, we tackle challenges directly on-site and use targeted simulations to clearly present the causes and their impacts. From these insights, we develop solutions that not only ensure the required functions but also enable efficient production of your products or secure the continuation of interrupted production processes on a solid basis.
Our Simulation Services
Simulations of the function of components and devices
Flow Simulation (CFD)
- Flow analyses
- Pressure loss optimizations
- Heat transfer / Cooling strategies
- Reduction of flow-induced noise
Magnetic Field Simulation
Light Simulations
- Simulation tool to meet lighting requirements within the given cost and time frame
- Effective means to reduce the number of costly prototypes and test series
- Optimization of brightness and homogeneity
- Ensuring a tolerance-insensitive design within the given space constraints
- Consideration of materials, surfaces, temperatures, etc.
Simulation of Loads
Structural Simulation
- Stiffness studies
- Strength studies
- Structural optimizations
- Crash Simulation (Impact)
- Drop test Simulation
- Life span evaluations
- Sealing designs
- Material behavior
- Heat Simulation
Multi-body Simulation
- Kinematics simulations
- Structure-borne noise calculations
- Stability studies
Dynamics, Acoustics
- Vibration analyses
- Optimizations of dynamic and acoustic behavior
- Noise analyses (Sound radiation)
- Psychoacoustics
Simulations in Production
Injection Molding Simulations | Moldflow Analysis
- We simulate and optimize the complete injection molding process via injection molding simulation
- Design and optimization of mold temperature control
- Simulation of all special processes
- Simulation of the process for overmolding organo sheets
- M.OPT warpage, warpage optimization based on AI
- In-house simulation with all major software tools
M.TEC has a specialized department for simulation and calculation that utilizes an extensive software pool to assess the functionality of products, mechanical stress on components, and manufacturing possibilities early in the development process. Our interdisciplinary team of calculation engineers uses top-tier software to identify and address potential issues in the early stages of product development, effectively minimizing risks.
CAE Software Tools in use at M.TEC
- Flow simulation (CFD)
- Star-CCM+
- SC/Tetra
- Electromagnetic fields
- Altair Flux
- Component Design (FEA)
- Abaqus
- Radioss
- HyperMesh
- HyperForm
- MotionSolve
- Converse
- Matlab/Simulink
Structural Optimization
Injection Molding Simulation (Moldflow)
- Autodesk Moldflow
- Cadmould
- Moldex3D
Light Simulation
Tolerance Analysis
M.TEC ENGINEERING is at the forefront of technological development, offering advanced solutions that tackle both technical challenges and provide economic and ecological benefits. Contact us to learn more about how our simulation and AI services can revolutionize your next project. We are ready to help you expand the boundaries of what is possible and secure your competitiveness in a fast-paced market.
Simulationsdienstleister: Ingenieurbüro M.TEC
Simulationen der Funktion von Bauteilen und Geräten
CFD-Simulation (Strömungssimulation)
- Strömungsanalysen
- Druckverlustoptimierungen
- Wärmeübertragung / Kühlstrategien
- Reduzierung strömungsinduzierter Geräusche
- Simulationswerkzeug zur Erfüllung der lichttechnischen Anforderungen innerhalb des vorgegebenen Kosten- und Zeitrahmens
- Effektives Mittel, um die Anzahl von kostenintensiven Prototypen und Versuchsreihen zu reduzieren
- Optimierung der Helligkeit und Homogenität
- Sicherstellung einer toleranzunempfindlichen Konstruktion innerhalb des vorgegebenen Bauraums
- Berücksichtigung der Materialien, Oberflächen, Temperaturen etc.
Simulation von Belastungen
- Steifigkeitsuntersuchungen
- Festigkeitsuntersuchungen
- Strukturoptimierungen
- Crash-Simulation (Aufprall)
- Falltest-Simulation
- Lebensdauerbewertungen
- Dichtungsauslegungen
- Werkstoffverhalten
- Wärmesimulation
- Kinematiksimulationen
- Körperschallberechnungen
- Stabilitätsuntersuchungen
Dynamik, Akustik
- Schwingungsanalysen
- Optimierungen des dynamischen und akustischen Verhaltens
- Geräuschanalysen (Schallabstrahlung)
- Psychoakustik
Simulationen im Bereich Produktion
Spritzgusssimulationen | Moldflow Analyse
- Wir simulieren und optimieren den vollständigen Spritzgießprozess per Spritzgusssimulation
- Auslegung und Optimierung der Werkzeugtemperierung
- Simulation aller Sonderverfahren
- Simulation des Prozesses zum Umspritzen von Organoblechen
- M.OPT® warpage, Verzugsoptimierung auf KI-Basis
Inhouse-Simulation mit allen wichtigen Software-Tools
M.TEC verfügt über eine spezialisierte Abteilung für Simulation und Berechnung, die auf einen umfangreichen Softwarepool zurückgreift, um die Funktionalität von Produkten, die mechanische Belastung von Bauteilen und die Fertigungsmöglichkeiten frühzeitig im Entwicklungsprozess zu beurteilen. Unser interdisziplinäres Team von Berechnungsingenieuren verwendet erstklassige Software, um bereits in den Anfangsphasen der Produktentwicklung mögliche Probleme zu identifizieren und anzugehen. Dies trägt dazu bei, Risiken effektiv zu minimieren.
CAE Software-Tools im Einsatz bei M.TEC
- Strömungssimulation (CFD)
- Star-CCM+
- SC/Tetra
- Elektromagnetische Felder
- Altair Flux
- Bauteilauslegung (FEA)
- Abaqus
- Radioss
- HyperMesh
- HyperForm
- MotionSolve
- Converse
- Matlab/Simulink
Spritzgusssimulation (Moldflow)
- Autodesk Moldflow
- Cadmould
- Moldex3D
M.TEC ENGINEERING steht an der Spitze der technologischen Entwicklung und bietet fortschrittliche Lösungen, die sowohl technische Herausforderungen bewältigen als auch wirtschaftliche und ökologische Vorteile bieten. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie unsere Dienstleistungen an Simulation Ihr nächstes Projekt revolutionieren können. Wir sind bereit, Ihnen dabei zu helfen, die Grenzen des Möglichen zu erweitern und Ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in einem schnelllebigen Markt zu sichern.