Feasability Studies

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The feasibility analysis is used to assess the viability of a product idea as early as the pre-development phase. The analysis includes critical variables such as financial evaluation with regard to return on investment (ROI), market and competitive environment as well as technical feasibility and organizational implementation. In order to evaluate opportunities and risks at an early stage, the feasibility analysis within the development process is essential for determining the prospects of success. Our experts offer both sustainable and efficient support in this very important project phase. 

Do you need an evaluation of different manufacturing concepts or are you looking for solutions for alternative production methods?

In the concept phase, feasibility analyses—also known as proof of concept—provide fundamental answers so that a product idea can achieve stable market success in the long term. Scenarios involving different future-capable production methods can help assess profitability and make comparisons with alternative investments. An important aspect here is tool technology and component design, as these implement the function. M.TEC supports you with a holistic methodology and analyzes different perspectives during the development process. Our goal: Transparency for stakeholders and startups as a decision-making basis for the successful implementation of sustainable processes and products.

Maximize success chances! We evaluate product ideas and optimize manufacturing processes through feasibility analyses

Do you want to ensure that your product idea can be successful? For over 30 years, our excellent engineers at M.TEC Engineering have been working with various production methods and processes. In conducting a feasibility analysis, objectives such as risk minimization and reduction of total development and manufacturing costs are pursued. M.TEC uses the best and most reliable analysis tools for feasibility tests to evaluate the stability and economic efficiency of the process in terms of cost minimization, part quality, and reduced process risks. Our experts are specialists in the fields of plastics technology, tool design, and simulations. Through plastics-appropriate design, manufacturing errors such as sink marks, weld lines, and warpages can be identified and optimized early on.

Feasibility Analysis – M.TEC Services Snapshot:

  • Evaluation of error probability and error prevention
  • Function and cost analysis: Properties and advantages of the product
  • Evaluation of procurement: Supply chain, transport, and logistics
  • Technical implementation of manufacturing
  • Evaluation of packaging concepts
Your Contact
Ulf Seefeldt
Ulf Seefeldt
Business Development Manager
+49 2407 9573-7361
+49 2407 9573-7325
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