Fluid Mechanics

Fluid mechanics has a significant impact on the technical efficiency of devices and products, as perceived product quality is influenced by noise caused by streaming. M.TEC engineers are experts concerning the physical conditions and provide lasting solutions for questions concerning fluid mechanics – in every stage of product development. 

Less pressure drops – improved functionality

Pressure drops occurring in fluid mechanics components may significantly impair the efficiency and functionality of products. Pressure drops occur due to unfavorable streaming control and result in stalls (recirculation). For instance, stalls occur due to…

  • Sharp redirections within the flow channel
  • Abrupt/erratic cross section changes within the flow channel
  • Unfavorable inflow of elements within the flow channel

To ensure product functionality of fluid mechanics devices, stable and consistent streaming is key. But how to ensure ideal streaming control? 

When optimizing existing products, an improved streaming pattern can be achieved by adapting the component geometry or employing additional streaming controlling elements.

When developing new products, it is particularly important to consider favorable streaming control within the given limitations right from the start and also validate it by means of simulation early in the development process. 

Less energy demand – increased profitability

In fluid mechanics, the primary objective is to increase the efficiency of products and devices. The better the component or product efficiency, the more profitable its operation. The energy demand decreases, and therefore, so does the operating cost. Pressure drops increase the energy demand; thus, within product development, they need to be reduced as much as possible.

This concerns single functional units as well as whole assemblies and systems being (re-)designed to achieve favorable streaming.  

Apart from operating costs, profitability is also relevant concerning energy efficiency labels prescribed by law. These labels influence customer’s purchase decisions in certain markets, for instance regarding household appliances. Thus, energy efficiency labels are crucial for some products’ commercial success. Relevant rules and standards need to be understood and considered in each stage of product development.  

Optimized component design – robustness

In many applications, flow-carrying components are exposed to high, even extreme loads, such as in engine technology in automotive engineering. This involves pressure loads, deformations, strains, stresses and thermal loads. Know-how from different areas of product development is necessary to design robust fluid mechanics components: Development & construction, simulation & calculation and expertise on material behavior. All component properties resulting from manufacturing need to be taken into account, e.g. anisotropies/fiber orientation. 

Acoustics – perceived quality

Streaming creates noise. Noise development may be perceived negatively by the user or consumer and may suggest inferior product quality. At the same time, the effectiveness and functionality of the product or device often don’t matter: If it works quietly, it is perceived to be of higher quality. 

In product development, acoustics are often directly intertwined with fluid mechanics. Especially for products used in the living area (vacuum cleaners, washing machines, blow dryers, dishwasher etc.), positive acoustic properties enhance (perceived) product quality and may even convince the potential buyer.

Flow simulation for validation

Flow simulation functions as a tool for validation in product development as it shows the influence of single flow parameters such as temperature, pressure and surface quality. Compared to measuring the actual component, flow simulation provides several advantages:

  • In environments inaccessible for measurement, it makes streaming visible and evaluable
  • It does not influence streaming
  • Long before prototype construction, it provides reliable predictions concerning functionality and effectiveness

It is often the only way to evaluate questions concerning fluid mechanics. Despite high computational expense, flow simulations are in many cases an economically reasonable developmental tool.

Product use, range of application

Movement of liquid / gaseous materials (fluids) 

  • In self-contained systems (pipes, tubes; pneumatics, hydraulics
  • In open environment (free streaming)
  • Streaming around vehicles
  • Fans / ventilators (gas / air)
  • Sloshing of liquids in a tank
  • Engine intake (ducts, air filters, suction pipe, …)

Regulation of flow rates

  • Valves

Continuous Dosage 

  • Medical technology, pharmaceutical sector (administration of pharmaceutical products)
  • Pumps (liquids) of any dimension – from micro-dosing (e.g. medicine) to waterworks as well as production technology (bottling, …)

Integration of streaming / compounds

  • Achieve the best possible mixing of fluids within the boundary conditions

Streamlined design (aerodynamics, hydrodynamics) 

  • Reducing streaming resistance: Improved energy efficiency, thus less energy input necessary for movement (cars, trucks, airplanes, ships, …)

Jet formation, specific flow influence

  • High-pressure cleaner
  • Irrigation systems 

Material dispersion

  • Uniform flow to functional components such as fan wheels

Transportation of foreign matter 

Matters are moved with the help of a streaming medium.

  • Water/moisture (Tumble dryer)
  • Solids (Vacuum cleaner)

Heat transport, cooling strategies

  • Convective heat transport (heat transfer through a flowing fluid)
  • Temperature control of  injection molding tool
  • Air conditioning (automotive, building services)
  • Air cooling fans: engine, electronic components
  • Battery technology

Why commission M.TEC as a service provider for fluid mechanics?

M.TEC's strengths as a development service provider for fluid mechanics in product development:
Holistic product development

  • Holistic view of the project situation and technology
  • Interdisciplinary know-how in product development constantly available (from idea to series maturity)
  • Production-ready component design and construction
  • Expert know-how in simulation & calculation, injection molding processes, lighting technology, medical technology, tool technology and industrialization

Innovation & profitability

  • Room for innovation through solution-oriented methodology and construction systematics
  • Economic efficiency through systematic approach in every phase of product development, efficient use of project resources

Robustness in function & manufacturing

  • Expert knowledge in the theoretical principles of fluid mechanics
  • Expert knowledge in simulation & calculation for the derivation of target-oriented measures
  • Expert knowledge for design and tool technology
Your contact
Stefan Vogler
Stefan Vogler
Team leader simulation & calculation
+49 2407 9573-7327
+49 2407 9573-25
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