Lifetime Simulation

When dimensioning components, a distinction is made between non-recurring loads and those loads that the components have to withstand regularly over their service life. When ensuring the operational stability, all operational loads and the number of load cycles must be considered and evaluated.

The dimensioning for the fatigue strength is based on Wöhler diagrams. For metals, corresponding diagrams are commonly available. For plastics there are also approaches to estimate the fatigue strength with the aid of Wöhler diagrams. However, characteristic values are rarely available in this respect. In addition, for the dimensioning of plastic components these characteristic values are also required for the anisotropic and temperature-dependent material behavior.

Since its foundation in 1991, M.TEC has specialized in the simulation and design of plastic components. Anisotropic and temperature-dependent simulations are part of our core expertise. M.TEC is therefore the ideal partner for you to ensure that your components can withstand all defined loads without damage over their entire service life.

Lifetime simulation - excerpt of M.TEC's services

  • Anisotropic and temperature dependent FE-simulations
  • Determination of the fiber orientation by means of filling simulation
  • FE-simulation of vibration processes and cyclic loads
  • Dimensioning of the components for operational stability


Your Contact
Stefan Vogler
Stefan Vogler
Team manager simulation & calculation
+49 2407 9573-7321
+49 2407 9573-25
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