FEM Simulation: Finite Element Analysis

FEM simulation impeller

FEM simulation of the strain of an impeller (SIMULATION BY M.TEC)

FEM Simulation Wärmedehnung

FEM Simulation Wärmedehnung (Simulation by M.TEC)

Simulation der Wärmedehnung eines Schiebedachrahmens aus Thermoplast.

M.TEC uses FEM simulation/FEM calculation or structural simulation to improve the performance of parts, components and products and to reduce material and production costs as well as weight. M.TEC simulates component loads or the strength of components for different materials. However, the focus is on strength calculations for plastic components. Our calculation engineers simulate the component behavior of your products already in the design phase, at an early stage when changes can be made without enormous costs.

FEM calculation of plastics, metal, glass etc.

As a service provider for FEM calculation, M.TEC simulates component loads or the strength of structures for various materials: plastics, metal, glass etc. One major focus in FEM simulation is the strength calculation for plastics. M.TEC offers you as a specialist in plastics technology and simulation & calculation a great expertise, with which you can investigate almost any question in the calculation of plastic parts and parts made of metal and such.

Application areas FEM simulation/FEM calculation

  • Structural analyses
    • Determination of material and component loads
    • Contact analyses
    • Determination of component deformations
    • Force-displacement curves
  • Stiffness analyses
  • Strength calculation / strength analyses, especially strength calculation of plastic components and assemblies made of plastic
  • Lifetime analyses
  • Calculation of component deformation under consideration of the non-linear component and material behavior
  • Creep calculations
  • Thermal simulations / Thermomechanics
    • Simulation of heating processes
    • Heat conduction, radiation, convection
    • Determination/calculation of heat distribution
    • Calculation of heat transfer / thermal expansion
  • Vibration analyses
    • Modal analyses
    • Oscillation processes

Structural simulation / structural analysis – calculate component loading and deformation

Structural simulation is increasingly being used to accompany the design process, as it allows for statements to be made about the later component loads at an early stage of development. FEM simulation thus shortens development times and prototype tests can be reduced.

Welche Simulationssoftware verwendet M.TEC für die FEM Simulation?

Wie ist der Projektablauf bei einer FEM Simulation und wie lange dauert es?

Bieten Sie auch thermische Berechnungen auf Basis von FEM an?

Welche Daten benötigt M.TEC vom Kunden für ein Angebot?

Was bekomme ich als Ergebnis? Nur Simulationsergebnisse oder auch Beratung?

Kann mir M.TEC auch helfen, mit den Simulationsergebnissen mein Produkt zu verbessern?

Weitere Informationen zum Download:

Your Contact
Stefan Vogler
Stefan Vogler
Team manager simulation & calculation
+49 2407 9573-7321
+49 2407 9573-25
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